What we do

system improvement at upstream level

Supporting institutions to better serve others

We advise our partners — governments of low- and middle-income countries at national and sub-national level, international organizations such as the UN, academia, as well as donor institutions — on strategic planning, operations management, supply chain, and program design.

Our Services

Advisory Services
Holistic assessments; strategic reviews and problem diagnosis to better understand complex situations; recommendations to address problems; the design and guided implementation of tailored analytics solutions such as control towers, dashboards, or optimization tools; as well as scenario analysis, strategic plans, and technical inputs into policy documents.

Capacity Strengthening
We offer technical guidance through our network of advisors; we provide training, workshops and coaching; and we accompany project implementation.

Research & Innovation
Project evaluation; Impact evaluations to study the effectiveness of novel approaches to address poverty or aid-dependency; integrating and testing prototypes of innovative solutions; adapting proven solutions that improve human development to new environments and bringing them to scale. This work is done hand-in-hand with our partners in academia.



We Develop Customized Projects & Solutions

Downstream operations for direct impact

Facilitating Development Projects at Grassroots Level


Those investing in social impact

Governments, corporations committed to CSR, foundations, philanthropists, educational institutions, aid organizations, and other funding bodies.

Ultreia - a bridge

We connect supply & Demand, adding value to both


Those Implementing on the ground
Civil society organizations, local NGOs, social entrepreneurs, local champions and leaders, innovative youth.

Our Services

Advisory Services
We support the design of high-impact projects, proposal writing, reporting, joint resource mobilization with partners, advocacy, project management, on-site visits, oversight, and monitoring.

Capacity Strengthening
Empowering our clients and recipients plays a fundamental role throughout all of our activities. We offer technical guidance through our network of advisors; we provide training, workshops and coaching; and we accompany project implementation. At ground-level, we work with social entrepreneurs, as it is imporant that ideas are generated right at the community-level to ensure community engagement, ownership, and sustainability.

Research & Innovation
Project evaluation; Impact evaluations to study the effectiveness of novel approaches to address poverty or aid-dependency; integrating and testing prototypes of innovative solutions in grassroot development projects; adapting proven solutions that improve human development to new environments and bringing them to scale.



How can we help you?

Have a Project in mind?

Whether you’re a company that wants to boost its social impact, a local group who needs help implementing a great idea, or an institution that wants to get the most out of a transformative development project, we can help you bring your ideas to life.

Let’s talk about what we can build together.

Together, let us build a better world.